Friday, August 26, 2011

Roasting Chickens....

Ladies and Gentleman...Boys and Girls...I am about to do a magic trick, a fantastical feat no mere mortal has attempted before!!!

Ok, so maybe it isn't a magic trick, and maybe I'm not going to do this exactly right now, but it is an extraordinary task I have yet to try! Tomorrow evening, I will be attempting to roast my very first whole chicken in my oven. Yup. A WHOLE chicken! With all the tips and tricks I have been given by my awesome friends and co-workers (as well as the internet and all of it's usefulness), I am hoping and praying I succeed in producing the most delicious chicken ever tasted. And after bragging so much, I hope I don't get grossed out cleaning out the chicken and dealing with the skin, causing me to back out of my challenge.

I do have one question for all of you... What in the world do I serve with my magnificent, moist, tasty chicken? 

UPDATE: Due to feeling like my head was going to explode and my eyes were going to pop out of my head, the chicken did not happen. Maybe next weekend?

1 comment:

  1. When you do attempt this magnificent feat, I would recommend a Thanksgiving like meal to accompany the chicken. Mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, veggies, etc. It sounds delicious!
