Monday, September 5, 2011

The Chicken is Cooked!!!

I finally got around to making that chicken I was talking about and man was it a challenge...I had absolutely no idea what I was doing! But then again, that is what mothers and cell phones are for, right? I've never cleaned out a chicken and was not about to put my hand inside of it to pull the insides out to the cavity. Good thing I didn't...I filled the cavity with water and flipped it over in a strainer and out pop ALL of the organs.... not bagged like a turkey... just cut out, mushed in a ball, and shoved back into the chicken. What a wonderful surprise!

After cleaning it out and tossing the insides, patting it dry with a cutting board and moving it to a cutting board, it was pretty simple to dress the 5.5 lb bird and get him going. I cut up and apple and used some garlic and butter on the inside, rubbed olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder on the outside, stuck it in a 9x13 pan with some chicken broth. Into the oven it went at 350 degrees. The temperature was checked at 90 minutes, and it was about 20 degrees shy and juices running reddish. Two hours in, still not done. Two and a half hours in oven and the bird was finally done.

I served the chicken with garlic mashed potato casserole, roasted veggies, and salad. Yum! Chicken was a little dry and next time, i think i'll crush the garlic before stuffing the chicken. I'll also plan out better, as my oven seems to take forever to cook the chicken.

Happy cooking and Happy Labor Day!

Hanging Out Taking a Bath

 After 90 minutes and still not done.
 Dinner is served....


  1. Looks yummy! Good job! I will never attempt it. If it still looks like something that was alive, I have issues touching it. :)

  2. Lol... yeah it was pretty interesting. Not sure if I would do it again because it was a lot of work and totally gross with the insides coming out. I was going to make gravy but I was just ready to eat by the time it was done. Maybe we'll have a feast when Crystal and I come up to go skiing! I can prep the turkey if you can get someone else to actually clean it out.
