Sunday, September 25, 2011

Seasons Change..... Fashions Change....

It's that time of the year again, where summer fashions slowly fade out as we begin to dress for cooler weather. In Arizona, it never get's too cold to not wear open toes shoes. There are days, even in the dead of winter, where I'll wear sandals and flip flops in the daytime. And there are times, in the dead of winter, where I wish I lived somewhere cold enough to fully engage in the wondrous fall fashions. It is also at times like these that I wish designers like Christian Loubaton and Jimmy Choo were within my reach. Since they are not, I look elsewhere to Carlos, Guess, Jessica Simpson, and BCBGeneration. I am very excited to see the wedge heels are still in style on boots, and that they have new choices for over the knee boots out. I can't wait to wear some over the knee boots with leggings and a short long-sleeve sweater dress. I am even more excited to find a pair of over the knee boots that actually fit how they are supposed to without cutting the circulation off to my legs this year.

Well good luck and happy shopping!

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