Monday, January 9, 2012

How I Coupon Without Being Extreme

Since I posted my original blog about my shopping trip a couple months ago, I decided to share with everyone how I coupon without being extreme and purchasing 50 bottles of toothpaste/laundry detergent when I am really buying for Mike and I, and occasionally my mom and brother. I learned to coupon by using It is a great website for those starting out and don't understand how coupons work and how to take advantage of sales and store coupon policies. After about a year, I felt it was necessary to try shopping without the help of Couponsense and my savings has been about the same, although I spend 2-3 times the amount prepping and grocery shopping every week. I still receive 1 Wednesday and 2 Sunday newspapers every week, so I can get double coupons to stock up for my house. I have hardly the room for a real stockpile, as seen on most Extreme Couponer's TV Shows.

How I Organize My Coupons:

I use a 3 ring binder. Mine is only 1.5 inches thick. I also ordered protector sheets that have 9 pockets to a page, and thick tabs. I have 4 sections in my coupons: Grocery, Household, Personal and Store/Restaurant. Inside the sections, I have organized my coupons into subsections based on the aisle/department in the store. This makes it easier to flip though the pages as I'm shopping if all of the coupons I need are on the same page(s). Every Sunday, I pull out all of my coupon inserts and collate the like inserts. Then I clip them (2 at a time). and sort them into my binder. This is the part that takes the longest. Send me a message if you have any questions on how to organize your coupons in the binder, I am more than happy to help.

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