Monday, February 20, 2012

Changes in 2012

I absolutely cannot believe February is almost over this year, time has seem to fly by these past two months. It seems like yesterday Mike had finally agree to move in and we were signing up to take our Scuba Diving certification courses. Now that it's President's Day, we are both officially Open Water Certified Scuba Divers. We can rent our own equipment and go diving with, our without, a professional local diver. Now all we have to do is plan a trip and go see the beautiful underwater habitat's in Cozumel and Hawaii!

On top of finishing our open water dives this weekend, Mike and I spent the better part of yesterday moving his furniture into my house. We now have the next week off to spend meshing our stuff together so it all fits nicely. The next few months will be an adjustment period as we both learn to truly live with eachother, but I am very much looking forward to living with him.

It has also been brought to my attention that I need to expand my Excel and Access skillset in order to move up in my fields of interest. I am now enrolled in an 8 week online course for Microsoft Excel at SCC. Next up, an Access class, if I can find one. I am suprisingly very excited to take this class, as I have a newer found infatuation for excel.

This will be a interesting few months, to say the least, and I am hoping they are everything I think they will be and more.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea! So many changes! I'm glad you and Mike are moving forward. I love Excel too, but you will be amazed at Access! My dad created his own software for his company using Access, so I'm pretty familiar with it. I also took a class when I was getting my Associates degree. It can do awesome things! I hope you can find a class. You will like it.
